Stop the Overeating!!!

Hello, my furry friends and humans! Well, I’ve started my low-calorie diet which tastes pretty good, and my mommy is able to take me for walks in the evening now. So, I’m on the right track to losing some of my excess weight. I hope you’ve reached out to Liberty Veterinary Hospital for the best [...]

Weight got your pet down? Then get your pet’s weight down!

I know, I know….I’m overweight. But I’m always hungry, so how can I be overweight? Dr. Collins at Liberty Veterinary Hospital and my mom say it has to do with my age. I’m not a young pup anymore, which means I’m sleeping more and playing less. For my furry readers out there, it could be [...]

Signs of being overweight: how does your pet match up?

Welcome back to week two of pet obesity awareness month. Obesity in animals is a growing problem, and not always obvious to those who love them. The caring staff at Liberty Veterinary Hospital want to make sure you know what to look for. Here are some signs to determine if your pet is overweight: Inability [...]

Obesity: How’s your pet’s weight?

Happy New Year my furry friends and humans! It’s that time of year when many of you humans make resolutions to lose weight. But you aren’t the only ones who may have indulged too much this past holiday season. Many of us felines and canines have tricked or stolen our way into extra treats and [...]

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